
We encourage you in the grounding and joyful practice of working with your own hands.

Workshop Hospitality

Art, Making and Spiritual Direction

Project-Based Classes

You will find more information below about these offerings.

To learn more, take part, or develop a experiential learning tailored to your community, please write or call.


Workshop Hospitality

You are invited to stop by the Workshop this spring and summer on Tuesday, 9am-12noon and Wednesday, 4-7pm.

You are welcome to help with current projects, or ask me about something specific you would like to try to learn.

Right now I’m working on some small furniture and tools, as well as exploring relief and screen printing.

We can enjoy some contemplative tinkering or sketching, a prayer pause, a coffee break or a late afternoon snack.


Spiritual Tools for Artists, 2023-24

Rendering the Ground: An Art and Spiritual Direction Series

Anonymous Machinist in British Shipbuilding Plant

Art and other made-objects furnish revelation and practical guidance for us from unknown depths.

In this 7 session series, we will explore a diverse set of artistic themes, movements, and objects. Painting, carving, furniture, buildings, and more. 

We hope to provide you art appreciation and spiritual direction in a kind and open-hearted group setting.

In a grounded and listening spirit, we will explore images about each month's genre or theme, and move to a single image for a short, focused visual meditation time.

We then gather up learnings and practical next steps. Our engagement with the art and one another opens us to movements of the Spirit in our more-whole being.

Our themes in 2023-24 were:

Painting Hospitality: Meals and Table Fellowship

Modern Arts and Crafts: Beautiful Utility

American Folk Art: Simplicity Reveals

Wood Carvings: Green Men and Wild Women

Houses, Inside and Out

Caves, Cathedrals and Barns

“Where the Wild Things Are”: Animals in Art

More information here soon about Visio and Technica Divina sessions for Fall 2024-Winter 2025.

You can sign up thru this link to the Priory Spirituality Center.

The Kitchen Maid with Supper at Emmaus, Diego Velasquez


Project-Based Classes


This class is intended for complete beginners, so that you gain familiarity with basic woodworking tools, materials, skills and safety, as well as confidence to pursue further learning and making. It is a nice way to prepare for the Christian season Advent, and other religious traditions in which light figure.

This class is very portable, and would be a lovely activity for church, youth group, scouts or others.

You will learn about:

  • wood and lumber dimensions,

  • how to measure, mark and cut to a line with a handsaw,

  • how to cut a simple joint with saw and chisel, gluing,

  • and how to bore a hole with a brace and bit.

You will also take home ideas of how to finish your project, and even build another!

Your candle-holder can be a perfect way to make times of prayer and celebration felt in new ways.

Community-Builds: Benches & More

Check out the bench-build at Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd in May 2022.

I would love to bring a similar project to your congregation or community.

You will be amazed at the gifts, abilities and desires to learn and serve you can discover.

And your community will extend workshop hospitality thru a kind, welcoming learning environment.